After a summer fling, Cami and Marcel remain good friends until Cami's death in No More Heartbreaks. He also tells them he isn't going to use the baby's blood for hybrids. In the second season, Josh and Marcel began rebuilding their decimated vampire community by choosing the best candidates for vampirism and turning them to increase their numbers. Klaus is on his own and the battle begins. Later, Marcel told Josh how he was frustrated by his home being invaded by The Strix but also just as annoyed by Elijah treating him like a child. As a result of this, Vincent turns his back on Marcel after a Strix member who survived seriously harmed Will Kinney. Marcel tells him he didn't and detects she's someone special to Klaus. type. However, Marcel explains that he's only anchoring the spell to New Orleans and she could have left anytime she wanted. In City Beneath The Sea, Marcel still helps the Originals against Dahlia. Tristan agreed and asked him to come with them so he could see everything being a member of The Strix really had to offer him. Klaus later calls to say he knew Marcel did not bomb the wolves, told him Kieran died, and he had 24 hours to come help Cami and to bury his friend until his exile is re-instated. Katie is walking up the street trying to save Thierry. While Marcel can be seen as a hypocrite for claiming that he dislikes people who have betrayed their friends, when he himself has betrayed Klaus, he has never betrayed anyone unless they have plotted or done damage to him first as Klaus daggered Rebekah simply for loving him and kept them apart for 52 years, This caused Marcel to plot ways to be with Rebekah, even if it meant finding ways to get rid of Klaus, whom Marcel would likely no longer consider a friend after what he did to Rebekah. At the witch's feast, he sends his gift in the form of compelled humans to slash their wrists to trick the vampires in to breaking their peace treaty, promising there will be no peace. Episode Count Klaus becomes jealous and releases Kol, who at the time was daggered. After collecting Lucien's blood, they brought it to Cami to drink but it proved unable to help aid her worsening condition. Klaus laughs at them and tells them that that's not going to work for him. In Live and Let Die, Marcel and his vampires are hanging out in his loft. He was initially made out to be the main antagonist of the series during the early episodes of the first season before it was revealed that he is actually a caring vampire with no ill intention, who was simply trying to protect Davina Claire, a young witch whose imposing hatred toward her coven served to help enforce his rule in the French Quarter. After Marcel throws an apple back at the man whipping him, showing his bravery, Klaus kills the man before he can retaliate. Later, he kills Jane-Anne for performing magic without his permission. Marcel chooses to to drink and relive past memories with Camille. Affected by his werewolf bite he sees hallucinations of Joe Dalton. Klaus flashes over to one of Marcel's many vampires and bites him in the neck. Mikael is the father . Marcel deduced that Aya had taken the ring but given it to Mohinder, a skilled combatant who liked to feed on his defeated opponents. The Mikaelson siblings and their allies faced off against all kinds of formidable foes on The Originals - from Klaus' protg-turned-frenemy Marcel Gerard to their own parents Mikael and Esther. Marcel laughs at him and points out that he's never been family, more of a charity case. He shows up at the church, unaware that Klaus paid Davina a visit and asks her what happened when he sees the broken glass everywhere. However, as members of Klaus' broken sireline came to New Orleans to ensure Klaus was still suffering, Marcel found his authority being questioned by Alistair. That night, Marcel arrived at the compound and informed Elijah that he was there on the behalf of The Strix, asking him politely to release Tristan and warning him that The Strix would eventually come in force to retrieve their leader. Klaus asks for his brother Elijah back and Marcel asks Klaus to take a walk with him. Basically it's none of Klaus' business, which obviously Klaus doesn't agree with. Lucien, however, told Marcel that it wasn't just about de-siring, but also an execution. He appeared in the first season via flashbacks and was eventually brought back to life. In An Old Friend Calls, Marcel returned to his loft to find that Josh and many of his other vampires had partied all night celebrating their de-siring from Klaus. Likewise, Kol tells her that Klaus would have wanted it this way. She then faints and Marcel carries her up to her room. In Sanctuary, Finn discovers during his interrogation that Marcel was compelled to forget about Hope's survival. However, they realized there were four children but five totems and Marcel recognized that the fifth totem belonged to Hope Mikaelson. He also warns her to not ever touch "Cami" again. Who was the Hollow on The Originals and how did she die? Afterwards, Marcel intercepts Rebekah who was walking down the street. He then gets a call from Cami telling him she'll use Finn's feelings as an advantage. Aya slashed him with a blade on her finger that was coated with a toxin of her own making. Marcel successfully lures Klaus out of the compound and they fight in the street, despite being weaker than an Original, Marcel initially has the upper hand though is soon overpowered and is bitten by Klaus. Klaus is at the bar drinking when Marcel comes in with a sour look. He is afraid that she will never trust him again. Marcel's reasons for killing witches who practice magic was to keep them from killing Davina, as he himself had known what it felt like to be treated as a tool and not a human being. It was because of this that Marcel created a rule against people abusing children in the Quarters. His desire to see the Mikaelson pay for the crimes grew so great that he was able to be goaded by Rebekah into stabbing Klaus with Papa Tunde's blade instead of killing him, Rebekah claiming that she wanted to see him suffer rather than die. When Marcel saw Davina's body and realized The Ancestors successfully used Kol's amplified anger to kill her, he lashed out violently against Kol, devastated by Davina's death. Klaus is proud that Marcel finally said something. Last seen Joe Dalton (1918)Soldiers of The Brotherhood of the Damned (1918)Thierry Vanchure (1940s)Max Diego Many other vampires Gia (2012) Back to the Abattoir, Marcel watches as Vincent performs the ritual, to make sure that it works. When the finale began, Hope stopped him . Significant sires Later, Marcel met with Elijah and the two celebrated, having orchestrated the entire affair for Marcel to become leader as they now had disarmed much of The Strix's threat and had an army of ancient vampires as allies. It was a shocking and devastating death, which left fans heartbroken. When Marcel learned it was to rescue Tristan who had been taken hostage by the Originals, he believed it was a suicide mission. They reported back that Tristan was secretly working with Lucien, despite their claims that their sirelines were at war. With no way to heal her, Cami succumbed to Lucien's bite and died. He needs FOUR. Later, he meets with Klaus in Lafayette Cemetery, where Klaus admits that he was never a good father to Marcel and that he had failed him, to his eternal shame. Marcel and Vincent drove out to the mansion's grounds where they discussed the past of their city, and Vincent's attempt long ago to find a power that could have defeated Marcel and brought the witches out from under his thumb. Then he says he's not going to leave her all by herself, while she looked so beautiful. In one corner, we have Marcel . So he can compel him. They allow the rivers current to take his body and Klaus is incredibly angry and grieving the loss of someone he called his son. Marcel is torturing Thierry and leaves him to rot in the Garden. Marcel led the attack on Elijah but was easily knocked away first before Elijah slaughtered many of the others with help from Hayley. Davina throws Rebekah against the walls with her magic and out the window. He told Elijah that Davina was needed to power a weapon that Tristan planned to use against the Mikaelsons. He then encourages Josh to get Davina to practice magic again for her own protection, which Josh does. Hayley arrived, having returned to New Orleans with the Mikaelsons and explained her daughter was one of the kids at risk from the one responsible for taking the children. This article has been identified as an article that needs help. Later, Klaus goes to see Marcel and tells him that he's really not his enemy. Marcel goes to tell Davina that she's moving. Hayley called Marcel after she found Lucien Castle in Aurora's hideout, and Marcel learned that Aya had taken both Klaus and Elijah to begin the de-siring spell. Davina was undeterred, believing the spell would work and wanting to rid the world of Klaus. The Originals (TVD)When The Saints Go Marching In (TO)Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found (LGC). Marcel tried to do so but instead found that Alistair was persistent in seeing Klaus, wanting to kill him since he suspected all of the Mikaelsons were magically linked to him, so killing him would kill them all. Finn Mikaelson (Season 3, episode 17) Finn Mikaelson, the one Mikaelson that everyone seems to dislike or forget. Marcel grudgingly agreed to allow them to come back despite just driving them away, on the condition that once Hope was healed they had to leave immediately. We got to see him for a little while in season 3 but he didn't last long as usual. When Marcel assured him he didn't see anything, Vincent left and Marcel saw a mirror crack in to the shape of the sigil of the Hollow. By the end of the third season, they have grown to resent each other due to Davina's death and Marcel putting Klaus down with Papa Tunde's Blade and causing him to lose five years of his daughter's life. He is later ambushed by Klaus in his loft. In the episode Give 'Em Hell Kid, he became an Upgraded Original Vampire after taking Lucien's serum, and in The Bloody Crown, took over as New Orleans' ruler, effectively succeeding the Mikaelsons. Klaus names the boy Marcellus, meaning little warrior. Rebekah is pissed and hurt because he chose Klaus over her again. In the present time, Marcel finds out Davina has the white oak stake and tries to convince Davina to give it up to no avail. Hayley and Marcel then met up with Vincent, Elijah, and Klaus to track down the children. Five years after his transition into an Upgraded Original Vampire, Marcel was shown to be able to fight and throw Elijah around easily, with Elijah barely able to land any hits against Marcel. Once they learning that the only way to stop Davina from destroying the entire city, they must complete the harvest Marcel takes Davina with him and hides her. Human (Originally)Vampire (Niklaus' bloodline)(Broken) (Formerly)Upgraded Original Vampire (Currently) Marcel rants about them being the villains in Lucien's story, and how foolish he was to ever trust them. Marcel got back up and impaled Elijah, seemingly with the cursed stake before saving Hayley from two Strix vampires, confusing her as to whose side he was on. Rebekah is planning everything out but she feels a little guilty I think, but she says she regrets not doing this sooner. Marcel watched as Vincent killed the zealot but not before the spell started to take effect and drain the life from the children. Five years after taking down the Mikaelsons, Marcel's anger subsided and he made a truce with Vincent, putting aside their differences and working towards keeping New Orleans safe, showing that Marcel had returned to his more level-headed ways. The vampires, hybrids, and werewolves all banded together to fight against the Mikaelson children's resurrected witch mother Esther and brother Finn, along with their similarly resurrected Original vampire father Mikael and their powerful, ancient, and immortal witch aunt Dahlia, who sought Klaus and Hayley's daughter and Marcel's adopted sister Hope for her own coven. Many German soldiers (During World War I)Members of the Guerrera Family (1925 AD)New Orleans WerewolvesJane-Anne DeverauxTina (In Transition)Police ChiefBastianna Natale (2nd time)Monique Deveraux (2nd time)Gia (as a human) Similarly, Marcel sees Davina as a fighter and took her in. Klaus visits him with hopes of sharing a glass of bourbon in an act of peace. Also, he tells Marcel that Klaus has to have a inside man. Marcel initially suggested Davina but after her actions with Mikael, Elijah didn't want Davina's help. Vincent asked Marcel if The Strix might have something to heal Cami but Marcel regretfully explained that The Strix didn't have a solution for something that never existed before like Lucien's poison. In Always and Forever, Elijah had been watching Marcel, who had become vampire king of New Orleans in Klaus' absence. Marcel's concerns were proven to be true when Rebekah asked to meet him at the cemetery to buy her siblings time to rescue Klaus. Born Marcel is described as hot, sexy, handsome and very attractive. Marcel gave the white oak bullet to Elijah but after some debate among Elijah and his newly revived brothers, Kol Mikaelson and Finn Mikaelson, he didn't destroy it, instead opting to keep it save, much to Marcel's chagrin. Klaus actively worked against Marcel, to retake the city and Marcel eventually gave up his role in order to protect his fellow vampires. Outside of Rousseau's Marcel and Gia spy on Cami's date with Finn to make sure it goes well. Marcel does not seem concerned that Klaus is an Original. Marcel deeply grieved Davina's death and avoided ruling the French Quarter for some time. When he woke up, Davina was gone and he tried to get Vincent, Kol, and the Regent Van Nguyen to revive her immediately, worried it was too late. Klaus opens up to Camille and reveals details of the devastating secret Rebekah and Marcel were trying to keep from him. He then questioned Shen on what he knew, compelling the answers out of him. They kinda start to panic. His cunning gave Marcel the victory and granted him a place among The Strix, the first member who wasn't part of Elijah's sireline. Marcel and Vincent discovered totems used to bind the children to the spell and Vincent was able to stop the spell from harming them. Hayley tried to convince him to let Klaus go so he could see his daughter, Marcel reminded her that he was raised by Klaus and that it hadn't ended well, so maybe Hope was better off not knowing her father. Marcel stops interacting with Cami once her uncle warns him to stay away from her. He later sleeps with Cami after she was almost killed after Kieran had a psychotic episode and they had been drinking, with Marcel taking a dream web he realized a witch was using to spy on Cami. Marcel caves and takes Rebekah to see Elijah. Kol listened to Marcel and tried to flee New Orleans, leaving Marcel to explain Kol's departure to a shocked Davina. Marcel, doubtful at first, accepts in the end. He's very competitive too. Vampires and witches were living in harmony in . Not long after, the Crescent Wolf Clan tried to take over New Orleans, Marcel was forced to have a witch place a curse on them in order to subdue his enemies without being forced into utterly and violently slaughtering them. Rebekah advises that perhaps if she answered their question earnestly, then she'll be able to leave. During the night, she is with Josh to say farewell as he is planning to leave the city with Aiden, however the two of them come across Aiden's body. Marcel pulls out the vial and relishes in Klaus' anger, remarking that Klaus doesn't want him to be equal but always inferior. Marcel mocks Klaus, asking him if he's jealous. He sacks him and takes him to Davina to get the compulsion wipe. As of the end of Season Two and the beginning of Season Three, Marcel had a tenuous and strained relationship with Klaus and was leading the supernatural community at large once again alongside Davina, the new Regent of the nine covens of New Orleans. Marcel and Klaus go to take care of a human/newbie vampire problem. He worked with Hayley, Freya, Lucien and another member of Klaus' sireline, Stefan Salvatore. She retorts that if the price of that stupid toy is her humanity, then he can keep it. Once Klaus admitted defeat and told Marcel the city was no longer theirs and now belonged to him, Marcel agreed to let them live, on the condition that they never return. Cami reveals there was a secret code in the box her brother learned from Kieran as her brother was meant to take Kieran's place in the Faction one day before his death. Marcel begs the Mikaelsons to help revive Davina. He brought him out and then offered Alistair a sword that had been washed in Marcel's venom, poisonous to Klaus. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Marcel tried to help find Cami after she had been captured by Aurora de Martel but his efforts were interrupted by Aya. Annoyed with Marcel's insubordination, she warned him to start making himself essential to the plans she was preparing. Despite their lack of respect and threatening to discipline them for insubordination, Marcel went with them to try and find their missing friends. Marcel doesn't want to hurt Rebekah. They had a strong relationship however Marcel's love for Klaus' sister, Rebekah caused tension to which caused Klaus to give him an ultimatum, vampirism or Rebekah. In The Feast of All Sinners, Marcel joins forces with the Mikaelsons against The Hollow and he is the one to bring Hope's body to the Abattoir. The last witch he killed was Monique, as Marcel had to kill her in order to save Klaus' newborn child. S4 E5. The Originals. Hope quips that he's late and she's tired of not being surprised. When the time came and Marcel still held the charter, he was named the new leader of the ancient vampire society, having used his cunning instead of brute force to make up for the age difference between him and his rival candidates. asks Klaus. He takes his role as leader seriously and enforces the rules he made without fail, though he is not above getting carried away since he supposedly killed a witch in front of many viewers for this reason, though its revealed that said witch used magic and took part in the harvest ritual where she had her own daughter sent to her death. How much the good outweighs the bad. Mikael also appeared as a recurring character in the third season of The Vampire Diaries. On his behalf he got her to use a locator spell on Dahlia. In House of the Rising Son, three months later, Marcel only lets a selected few of his vampires wear daylight rings. S5 E10. He confronted him but the witch impaled Marcel with a piece of metal, temporarily incapacitating him. Marcel met with her, happy to see she was okay and no longer hexed, but was suspicious of the timing. Marcel and Hayley found Lara who explained the Hollow offered the werewolves the power they needed to take back the city from Marcel, who she berated for ruling over a city that belonged to all of them. Tyler is filling the vampires in on Klaus' past of becoming a hybrid. Klaus then comes in to help snapping Katie's neck. Cause of death Marcel tells him that he'll let him stay in HIS town, as long as he understands that Marcel is the King. However, he is more merciful towards anyone who breaks his other laws, as shown by the countless vampires he kept locked in the Garden instead of killing them, which would take much less effort to do. Or else we are going to lose this fight before it even starts. Klaus denies this, calls him family and wishes him to follow him. At the end of the episode, he meets up with Tyler who gives him useful information on Klaus. He then rescued his newly-born adoptive sister, hoping to use her as leverage to get Klaus to heal them all with his blood, but when he returned to the compound, the vampires were already dead. They tell her they love her, always and forever. Despite being the Governor's son, he was enslaved and worked on the plantation until he happened to meet Klaus during his half-brother's funeral. Marcel was persistent though and tried again, kissing Rebekah who shared his feelings. Marcel, who had been on good terms with the deceased husband and wife, went to their home soon after their murder to find their baby daughter still in her crib. It is revealed that eight months ago, prior to the series events, Marcel has been friends with benefits with Sophie and learned about the Harvest from her. The only solution they could agree upon was to leave it up to her. Despite his claims, Marcel told Kol to do the right thing and leave for Davina's safety. Marcel met with Davina at his gym, warning her that The Strix needed her to take down the Mikaelsons. Their meeting was interrupted by the arrival of Aya, who had told Marcel she had an offer for him. Marcel allows Klaus to compel him to forget Hope is alive in exchange for vials of Klaus' blood, more valuable than ever due to the werewolves having full access to their powers which includes their lethal bite. After Rebekah had been daggered for 52 years, Klaus removed it from her heart. Shen broke free of his constraints and easily overpowered Hayley and Marcel, shoving his hand into both of their chests, planning to tear out their hearts. Klaus throws a coin saying whoever gets the coin will live, no one goes for it. His strength was considerable enough to allow him to tackle Mohinder through a brick wall, which the latter did to him earlier, what makes this showing more impressive is that Marcel had Werewolf venom within him, meaning he would have been physically weaker. Appearance Klaus tells Marcel that the main reason for this whole taking over New Orleans was mainly the witches idea, he doesn't want his baby to have a father like he had. Marcel apologizes to Klaus for bringing Mikael to town all those years ago. The host's last show was Friday. In The Casket Girls, Marcel is first seen with Rebekah and he tries to speak with her, but she pushes him away saying that he doesn't have any right to touch her since he sided with Klaus. Later, as Davina and the Sisters performed the spell, Marcel and Hayley tried to stop them but were tossed aside by magic. Elijah comes to Marcel for aid in looking for the white oak stake. Marcel says. Klaus, seeing the power that Marcel wields, wants to know how he's doing it. Marcel stated that he took the potion that turned him into an Upgraded Original Vampire (without the Mikaelson Family's knowledge), as he wanted to know how the Mikaelson Family truly felt about him and what would happen if they found him with the "serum", correctly predicting that if he didn't take the potion, he would've been dead due to Elijah's obsession and fear with the prophecy, while Klaus initially did try to reason with him, after discovering that the "serum" in Marcel's possession, he immediately made demands towards Marcel and attempted to coerce him into handing it over, telling Marcel that he won't tolerate any threats to "his" family, thereby confirming what Marcel believed and further angering him. Still concerned, Marcel went to Vincent at Rousseau's and tried to convince Vincent to help get Davina out of the danger she was in. When he pressed them for information, they were uncooperative as they didn't trust Marcel and didn't see him as a friend. Marcel angrily breaks ties with the Mikaelsons. The vampires then decide to side with Marcel. Marcel then heads the trial and finds Klaus guilty of many sins, mostly including infractions Klaus made against Marcel and two other ancient vampires a part of Klaus' broken sireline. The dying Marcel asked Klaus to turn him and against Klaus' wishes, he did so. She made clear that she wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of the society's current leaderless circumstances for a power grab. He is therefore by extension the adoptive brother of Hope Mikaelson and father figure and protector of Davina Claire. Shen taunted Marcel, telling him he had suspected Marcel would be a turncoat. Mikael (Elder Futhark: ) was a major recurring character and a primary antagonist in the second season of The Originals. Aya was going to test the spell's success by executing Klaus with white oak, risking Marcel and the rest of Klaus' sireline's lives.