Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? Col. Hans Landa allowed Shoshanna to escape because he thought she may not survive the night. The 'question' was abandoned because he never intended to ask anything really. After finishing, he tells Utivich that "this just might be my masterpiece." He identifies Hugo Stiglitz and Wilhelm Wicki. @Mistu4u That's just it he didn't specifically mention the story. The non-rat thinkers (the German soldiers) would have never looked there. The goal of /r/Movies is to provide an inclusive place for discussions and news about films with major releases. A damn good detective. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds is a bit like Pulp Fiction meets Band of Brothers.. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? First off, he ordered a glass of milk for her, which seems odd and raised some red flags as Shosanna grew up on a dairy farm. Landa saw her and pointed at her with his gun, but decided not to shoot and instead said goodbye to her (the now-famous au revoir, Shosanna! line). Like Sherlock Holmes, the Colonel is excitable and animated during an investigation and manipulates innocent people. It is a common fact that being able to speak more than one language is a super power. The trick to Landa's character is that he loves the thrill of not knowing and figuring it out through intimidation. The Problems With The Inglourious Basterds/Von Hammersmark Theory Sofie Fatale | Hur mnga engelska ord finns det i svenskan? He diligently inquires about her aunt and uncle when she mentions them, what their names are, what they are doing now. acts as polite and respectful as possible and never shows all his But he notices that there's something odd about the incident. WebThey're the foot soldiers of a Jew-hatin', mass murderin' maniac and they need to be dee-stroyed. Big Daddy Bennet | Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! O-Ren Ishii, Other: Vernita Green | He says that sending the girls outside (so he can call them back in later) and speaking in English (so he can make his big show of switching back to French later) indicate that he knew the Dreyfuses were underneath the floorboards the whole time. WebVisibly convinced, LaPadite confirms to Landa that the Dreyfuses are under the floor of his house. He would pass for a local. I believe it depends on the viewer whether to take it as an indication to the accident or not. Stonesipher | WebLanda orders him to point out their hiding areas and LaPadite is powerless to refuse. With that said, I'd love to hear a definitive answer from Tarantino. While he is brilliant, it certainly would take him time to read her responses and determine the best course of action. But we (Shoshana and us) automatically feel fear. Even if Shosanna was a strict Orthodox Jew and willingly ate the strudel, she technically wouldn't have broken any kosher rules because "all those are suspended when the situation requires you [to] do it to protect your life.". Related: Inglourious Basterds: Why Quentin Tarantino Spelled The Movie Title Wrong. He is also sarcastic and seems to have a knowledge (albeit flawed) of English language idioms, such as "That's a Bingo!" And if he suspected she would try to get revenge, he would have to think it would be primarily directed at him. He is nicknamed The Jew Hunter in reference to his keen ability to locate Jews hiding throughout Occupied France. This will most likely get you whatever is on tap and local. Butch Pooch | To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. The beginning of the film WebCol. Landa is cruel, highly intelligent, relentless and ruthless but when needed, charismatically charming and polite. Why wait for the wrong "three fingers" sign? Fredrick Zoller | Landa goes to the front door, puts his suitcase on the doorsteps and aims his Walther P38 at her, soon realizing that she's run too far for him to shoot. Colonel Landa said "au revoir" in French, meaning "I'll see you again", or "until we meet again". WebThe opening scene in Inglourious Basterds saw Hans Landa letting Shosanna escape, which seems out of character but there's a reason why he did it. The Jew Hunter questions the farmer. ), or wondering what life would have been like had Pushing Daisies, Firefly, and Limitless not been cancelled. Landa suspected they were hiding under the floor, and he was right. At the end of the scene, Landa uses his super power of knowing four different languages to trick the French Jews, and has his men slaughter them, a BINGO for the Jew Hunter. I always wondered about this and after reading the above remarks I would agree it is highly probable that he did indeed know it was her. My friend argues that Landa knew everything, that it was just a big spectacle. Personally, it's as if Barry was listening to what I was saying the whole time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Xgj1Csnr_w, Inglourious Basterds - The Jew Hunter Speech. There are more details on the script which are not shown on the movie(like entire paragraphs, like when Landa persuades Lapadite that his duty at war time was to protect his daughters, and if he cooperate they'd be stopped being harassed by the german army). In other words, if he knows they're under the floorboards the whole time, why doesn't he just go in and shoot up the place? Hugo Stiglitz was a German sergeant, well known for killing at least 13 Gestapo officers. dismissed his theory or chose to ignore it. Help the SS locate Jews (formerly; succeeded).Help the Basterds take down Adolf Hitler as a part of his plan to trick the Allied governments into giving him pardon and shelter in return (partially succeeded). QGIS automatic fill of the attribute table by expression. An Austrian SS officer assigned to the Sicherheitsdienst. When Landa, finally figures out where the Jews are hiding and begins to negotiate with the farmer, the camera moves closer and closer to his face. Virgil, Marsellus Wallace | The audience can see the exact moment when Landa comes to his epiphany. herthen he pausedgave her an intense stare was just to gauge her In 2009, Quentin Tarantino brought his sixth movie, titled Inglourious Basterds,with which he surprised viewers and critics as it offers an alternate version of World War II. Buck | The smaller venue means less collateral damage. Powers / Skills Susan "Sadie" Atkins | He ended the movie betraying Hitler. Finding people is my specialty so naturally I work for the Nazis finding people, and yes some of them were Jews. Here is where the dramatic irony kicks in. Of course, Landa was wrong, and not only did Shosanna survive the night but she also found someone who helped her and even gave her a new name, a new family, and pretty much a new life. He takes Aldo and Utivich to an empty building and speaks with them. Mr. Blonde | By the time Landa decided to join the Allies, he had already discovered that von Hammersmark was going to sabotage the Basterds attack at the theater, so he killed her so the Basterds could go on with their plan. Jody Domergue | Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Guillermo del Toro said hi to her once. Why did Colonel Hans Landa let Shosana escape in the beginning? In all other scenes, it was made clear that the targets of the interrogation displayed a behavior Landa interpreted they were hiding something. But back to the basement scene. Hans Landa, is at the film premiere, drinking some champagne. In the strudel scene, the camera goes to Shosanna to show how calm she stayed on that situation (differently from Lapadite), so Landa believed she was not hiding anything. enough for Landa to know he was lying and confirm that LaPadite was Just one point about the glass of milk that perhaps has not been made yet: My friend and I were discussing this the other day, and I'd like to hear others' opinions on the matter. His intelligence and manipulating ways are what awards him his many findings and immunity; however, his egotistical and overall villain nature are what awards him a swastika on the forehead, branding him a Nazi for life. There were other things he mentioned I forget what they were specifically, but it leaves the impression that he knows who she is. His comment about having something to say that he forgot was meant to invoke fear. He longed to be beneath the Paris sky once more, encapsulated by wafts of rose perfume and curtained by a veil of blonde hair. I think it would be more consistent if he didn't. He then orders two strudels and a glass of milk for her. And anyone who thinks otherwise is just wrong. Given Landa's dedication to hunting down as many Jews as possible, it seems strange that he let Shosanna live, but it wasn't a brief moment of humanity, and he did it because he didn't think she would survive the night. When she's not writing, you can find her trying to learn a new language, watching hockey (go Avs! What happened to Hans Landa after the war? Next: Inglourious Basterds: Why Hans Landa Let Shosanna Escape At The Beginning. He brings out the Sherlock Holmes pipe. Is it complete happenstance that he was in that basement that night? Given Landas dedication to hunting down as many Jews as possible, it seems strange that he let Shosanna live, but it wasnt a brief moment of humanity, and he did it because he didnt think she would survive the night. He couldn't know what she and the basterds would do (even they didn't know at that time), so he couldn't plan ahead on that. Adolf Hitler | My take on this, of course, is that he sees no reason to stir up trouble if it won't benefit him directly. If not, there are so many other ways. Mimieux was in fact Shosanna Dreyfus, simply by height, hair colour, According to Levine, his people phoned the United States casting department of Inglourious Basterds to say that their client was very interested in auditioning. Grouch Douglas | I seem to be in the minority here, but I actually think Col. Landa did not recognize Shosanna. He did not get a good look at her in the beginning o Oh well, must not have been important. Hans Landa being the threatening force that he is, he screams his goodbyes to Colonel Landa is no Nazior so he claims. Where they can only think like a German, or more precisely, a German soldier. As soon as Landa steps into the farmers house he gets into character. Landas interrogation continued, and he asked her to explain how a young lady like her owned a cinema. Home > 2022 > June > 10 > Uncategorized > how did hans landa know they were under the floor. In the first scene, he has just a hunch that Jews Landa then starts to tell him that in order to cross LaPadite's name off the list, he would have to have his men search his house. Inquiring deeper than most people Now, if one were to determine what attribute the German people share with a beast, it would be the cunning and the predatory instinct of a Landa, through the course of the interrogation, was able to read the farmer and think like a rat. By the end of the film, he unreservedly breaks his oath to Hitler, and switches sides to assist the Basterds in assassinating Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party elite inside a movie theater. This is Thesecret1070. Standartenfhrer (Colonel) in the Schutzstaffel (SS)War criminal Their main obstacle was Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz), a cold-blooded SS officer who didnt hesitate on killing those he considered a threat, Jewish or not. Throughout the movie he is 10 steps ahead of everyone. Her family was shot while hiding in a dairy farmer's house. His attitude toward his infamous nickname changed throughout the movie. WebHow did Hans Landa know they were under the floor? Very good point in referencing it as one of three main interrogations. Another thing to consider is that Tarantino used Hellstrom as the guy to pick up Shoshanna to bring her to the lunch with Lansa. WebHans Landa stays a colonel Shoshanna Dreyfus, from Jewish runaway to cinema owner Landa recognizing Shoshanna part II Hicox shouldn't have talked Zoller Basterds unsurprised Bar the doors Bargaining solely for the radio man Wicki's accent Threatening Hellstrom Stiglitz's grudge Emergency exits nonexistent Surgery can fix a swastika carving He longed to be beneath the Paris sky once more, encapsulated by wafts of rose perfume and curtained by a veil of blonde hair. So maybe the Colonel did not identify her (chances is 99%). John Ruth | When the tide of the war turns against the Nazis, he scoffs at it, alluding that his job is to find and capture people and the fact that they are Jews is of no consequence to him. In this case, he wants to make sure everything goes according to (his) plan. Its that good. He doesn't ask the question because he doesn't want to spook Shoshanna more than he already does. This heavily depends on interpretation of the scene. Is it just a nice expositional scene Tarantino gives us so we can hear the hawk vs. rat comparison and get an idea of how Landa operates? Hence its coffee for him and milk for her, and she would have to be okay with it. As long as the conversation went on, we hold our breath with her and when he leaves, we loose it! After saying he cannot remember what the question was, he leaves. Because it is convenient for him again. His depiction and interpretation of this scene is exactly that of my own, verbatum! or even a photo. Inglourious Basterds followed different subplots with one common goal: kill as many Nazis as possible, including Hitler. It's also possible, going WebHow did Hans Landa know they were under the floor? As one entry on the "Inglourious Basterds" Fandom page points out, this couldn't have been Landa's intention because it would've been an ineffective tactic. In reality the pipe is merely just a prop, the Colonel does not smoke. Inglourious Basterds: Why Hans Landa Didn't Recognize Shosanna This vital role helped Waltz gain respect as a professional actor, it shined the spotlight on him and introduced him to serious acting with big and important roles. But he was a strange man. pushes us in the wrong direction out of this fear. Aldo, knowing that Landa plans to take off his Nazi uniform someday, tells the frightened Landa that he will give him something he can't take off. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It was great. Besides, not putting a bullet in the back of a fifteen year old girl, and allowing her to escape, our not nessessarlly [sic] the same thing. How would he have known? Either he was killed by the Nazis for hiding Jewish people in Nazi occupied France, which was a crime punishable by death. Throughout the movie, Hans Landa was always a step ahead of the motives and plans against the Basterds. With that in mind, it seems unlikely that he recognized her at the restaurant, though that doesnt mean he couldnt have suspected it. Colonel Hans Landa acts only out of pure self interest. In that case, Landas ability to speak four languages, English, French, German, and Italian, is his supernatural aid. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? scene was to learn the whereabouts of the last unaccounted-for Jewish family in the area: the Dreyfus. He knew he was hiding Jews and he knew they were under his floorboards. After ordering his soldiers to shoot through the floorboards, all members of the Dreyfus family were killed except for Shosanna, who escaped and ran away. That is, until he doesnt. According to NPR, traditional strudel is pulled and stretched thin, rather than laminated and rolled out. After ordering his soldiers to shoot through the floorboards, all members of the Dreyfus family were killed except for Shosanna, who escaped and ran away. Anyway, I don't really care about what Tarantino has to say about it unless it's based on what was shown at the movie (on some missed detail, for example). Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When Landa, finally figures out where the Jews are hiding and begins to negotiate with the farmer, the camera moves closer and closer to his face. Most of the interrogation is seen through a wide shot, where the audience can see the setting but still have full view of the characters and their body language. He speaks with von Hammersmark and her escorts, and sees through their disguises. As mentioned above, Landa killed Shosannas family, but let her escape. He simply doesn't want to push her anywhere near a lie. What captured Tarantino about Waltz, was that he was a linguistic genius, the most crucial aspect of the Landa character. When did Colonel Hans Landa decide to change his intentions to end the war in Inglourious Basterds? She is an Audiovisual Communication graduate who wanted to be a filmmaker, but life had other plans (and it turned out great). Landa then politely asks LaPadite to send the girls outside, so that they could have a talk. Egotistical and ambitious, Landa takes a great deal of pride in this reputation, lauding his nickname "the Jew hunter" and using it to compare himself to Reinhard Heydrich. He is actually the most brilliant person in the film. The camera does an almost full three sixty around the scene but stops and focuses at a wide shot of the two men. For example, it really isn't hard to recognize that Shosanna actually hasn't been living with her "aunt and uncle." Elle Driver | By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. He asks Mimieux about her cinema and if it's true that a black man operates the projectors. Commonly spoken by individuals from NW Georgia, W NC/SC, VA, E TN, & SE KY. Das Bier das beer : The Beer. Werner Rachtman, Calvin Candie | WebFarmer LaPadite at first has the upper hand, bluffing his way successfully through Hans Landas interrogation. Matsumoto | As the Dreyfusses meet their end, one survivor, Shosanna, manages to flee. Either way, if Shosanna refused to eat the strudel, it would be a telltale sign that she's Jewish, thereby confirming Landa's suspicions. Did Col. Landa actually recognize Shosanna? Charles Manson | Star Wars Rumor: Rey Would Have Been Recast In Lindelof's Canceled Film. - The Loop. Every time she manages to commit to a TV show without getting bored, an angel gets its wings. Oh yes. Privacy Policy. Mr. Linda "Flowerchild" Kasabian | He asks the Basterds if they like the nicknames that their enemies bestow on them, but who is Landas enemy? Finally, at the theater itself, why does Landa go through the big song and dance of taunting the Italian-impersonators? The detective has discovered his secret. However, he tells LaPadite that any information that will make his job a lot easier would not be met with punishment, quite the contrary, it would be met with reward, that his family will no longer be harassed in any way by the Germans during the Occupation. He puts the shoe he found at the tavern on her, and then strangles her to death. Not to mention she probably didn't have much of an appetite with him WebYes, Landa knew who Shosanna was at that time. Origin Major Marquis Warren | Smithson Utivich: Well, you do have to admit, it is catchy. That's not a split-second decision. Von Hammersmark later explained to Raine and the rest of the Basterds that Hicox gave himself away by using the British hand gesture to order three drinks instead of the German three but Major Hellstrm might have known they were lying from the very beginning. He then says he had another question for Mimieux and briefly stares at her. He knew he was hiding Jews and he knew they were under his floorboards. I think he did know very well that it was her. I always wondered about this and after reading the above remarks I would agree it is highly probable that he did indeed know it was her. I'd just l By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This heavily depends on interpretation of the scene. While it could easily be true that Landa indeed knew "Emmanuelle's" true identity, it could al Aldo the Apache and the Little Man? Or, Hans Landa kept his end of the deal and spared him this punishment for turning in the Dreyfuss family. He sits at the kitchen table and asks for a glass of milk, as LaPadite operates a dairy farm. Landa finally loses his composure and tells Aldo that he will be shot for this. His accent is consistant with the dialect spoken by natives of the Appalachian Region of the U.S. Related: Why Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds Spin-Off Never Happened. A Von Hammersmark is imaginary, though her glamour and beauty evoke the popular German actress, Marlene Dietrich. showed Landa having a friendly conversation with Monsieur LaPadite It only takes a minute to sign up. He is an excellent detective and would most certainly have family photos. Dietrich, however, was never a spy. He goes on to elaborate his statement before coming to the conclusion that his ability to find Jews is far more advanced than that of regular German soldiers', and that he is aware of "humans being are capable of once they've abandoned dignity". He was just trying to dig into her individuality as a quality security officer (Though bad in nature, we can't ignore his responsibility to his work!). kept her calm and even tried the strudel, cream and all, he either The Detective is told that the men are Italian, so he speaks to them in Italian as well; he messes with the Basterds until he makes everyone uncomfortable, again, one of the Detectives strongest qualities. If he didnt know before arriving at the house, he definitely knew within 2 minutes of Scan this QR code to download the app now. Yes, Landa knew who Shosanna was at that time. Landa asks him if they do not speak English, since he hasn't heard any noises during the conversation. Inglourious Basterds Landa asks for another glass of milk before he leaves, and then begins to talk about how he loves his nickname, "The Jew Hunter". In other words, at what point does he figure out that he can "end the war tonight" and take credit for it? For more information, please see our He didn't see her face in the farm. how did hans landa know they were under the floor. If that's the case, why did he write down the information that LaPadite gives him? Does he think that somehow the change of venue could benefit him, and so he chooses to just let Shoshanna be? While she kept her calm, it was also obvious she was Landa appears to be an opportunistic sociopath, acting only out of pure self-interest. It was great. The next question comes in the scene where Shoshanna and Landa are eating together in Paris. WebThe still of the night surrounded Hans, a sheer blanket of clouds hanging unfathomably high above. However, Landa never saw Shosannas face, as she was already far when he realized she was alive and running away. Gogo Yubari | Think about it what does that mean, plus, why did he simply put his cigarette out and leave in what appeared to be a hurry. The Jews, the Nazis, the Baseterds? Landa tells him that von Hammersmark got what she deserved, and that Donny and Omar are still at the theatre with bombs strapped to their legs. He knew. Breakfast food is life and coffee is what makes the world go round. Shosanna being a young woman owning a cinema and with Marcel working for her surely made Landa suspicious, and ordering the milk and cream were subtle ways in which he was looking to provoke a reaction from her that gave her away. I think the cigarettes are there to add to Landa's search for nonverbal clues of stress, fear or anxiety. or "If the shoe fits, you must wear it.". Use section headers above different song parts like [Verse], [Chorus], etc. However, it is certain that he was indeed suspicious of her in the restaurant - but he could have been testing her to confirm, otherwise if he knew it was her for sure, he wouldn't need to play games - regardless of the fact that that's part of his wicked personality. He tells the soldier that accompanies him that they were part of the Basterds, responsible for killing German soldiers. If for whatever reason the strudel recipe did call for butter, it still wouldn't have been substituted for lard, because a high end restaurant, like Chez Maurice, would've had access to that ingredient. Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly | Of course he knew who she was and would be insulted that you presumed otherwise. When he says he wants to ask another question and stares at her and he camere focus on her face: She both 1) doesn't stop looking in the eyes and 2) does not smoke. Maybe it was intentionally meant to put the doubt in the audiences mind, to heighten uncertainty and suspense. Landa begins to ask LaPadite if he knows anything about the Dreyfus family, as well as their names and ages, which LaPadite gives him. Visibly convinced, LaPadite confirms to Landa that the Dreyfuses are under the floor of his house. His ability to morph into a rat succeeded. The more he prolonged the stress of him Some viewers feel this also added to the excitement of hunting people, as Landa knew that if Shosanna survived they would cross paths again which they did, but he was fooled by her new identity (though he might have suspected at first that she wasnt who she claimed to be). He is the "all-knowing" until the last scene. Drexl Spivey | He says that sending the girls outside (so he can "call them back in" later) and speaking in English (so he can make his Aldo's superior agrees to his demands and the mission goes as planned, with the theatre blowing up and the Nazi High Command being killed, most likely ending the war. The loving press of her lips and the soothing warmth of her body was what he desired now more than anything. WebThe opening scene in Inglourious Basterds saw Hans Landa letting Shosanna escape, which seems out of character but there's a reason why he did it. Playing Landa was Waltzs role of reincarnation, he was reborn. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? That means there wouldn't have been any butter required for the strudel we see Hans Landa and Shosanna eating. WebThe still of the night surrounded Hans, a sheer blanket of clouds hanging unfathomably high above. In contrast, at the end of the movie, when dealing with the Basterds, he claims to not like his nickname anymore and is somewhat disgusted by it. Bravo. When That also means he's already been planning to betray his country for his own advantage at that point, and is only looking for a real opportunity. He says that sending the girls outside (so he can "call them back in" later) and speaking in English (so he can make his Crimes Nazis probably did have picture identifications of her. Esteban Vihaio | He doesnt smoke a pipe at all its simply just an interrogation technique to send the farmer more into hell. He doesnt smoke the pipe at all, it is simply an act of theater. He never saw her face while she was running away from Hans Landa has appeared in more chapters then any other character in the film, he was in all the chapters except for chapter 2. We feel such because the whole story is shown from the start how she survives from the unnecessary chasing of the Colonel (from her point of view). So he wasn't going to go out of his way to prove Emanuelle was actually Shosanna. Like he said to Aldo Raine, sometimes things aren't too good to be true. Why? rev2023.4.21.43403. He knew he was hiding Jews and he knew they were under his floorboards. He exits the door, seemingly to call the girls, but he actually calls his men, and points them the place where to shoot. The opening scene in Inglourious Basterds saw Hans Landa letting Shosanna escape, which seems out of character but there's a reason why he did it. We see people convinced he recognized here, and people convinced he didn't. They weren't just hiding in a dairy farm, the Dreyfus family were dairy farmers, this adds significance to the cream. He is a Standartenfhrer in the Schutzstaffel (SS) and one of Adolf Hitler's best agents, as well as Aldo's arch-nemesis. Landa did not recognize Shosanna. Landa and his radio operator drive Aldo and Utivich into Allied territory, and then surrender to them. He also gets into his role as detective and begins to interrogate the farmer, carefully analyzing his body language. Landa Maybe the strudel has to do with anxiety testing as well. Perhaps the reason he ordered the Even so, Landa is punished for his actions by Lt. Aldo Raine, who carves a swastika into his forehead with a Bowie knife, ironically marking the apolitical careerist as a Nazi for life. Landa is the Jew Hunter.